Christelle Besse


A multi-tasker through and through, Christelle Besse invites you to create your tailor-made event "from A to wines". Whether for individuals or companies, for a few hours or several days, in the valley or at altitude, she will fulfil your wildest dreams.

She also carries out tastings and training, and is always in touch with the world of Valais wine. The riches of our canton are in particular the land, the grape varieties, the bisses, the vineyards, the dry stone walls, the guérite huts and the mountains. With originality and simplicity, she will provide you with the essentials, her wish being that you leave happy and with one desire only : to come back.

So don’t delay : get in touch and enjoy an unforgettable experience.

Christelle Besse


Christelle Besse Sàrl

Valais, Suisse

See on map

Your tasting profile

Select your favourite type of wine or indicate what you are looking for in a wine and find out which Valais wine is right for you.

apricots, citrus fruits, exotic or red fruits, almonds, etc.Fruity

violet, elder, lime, rose, etc.Floral

low in alcohol, low in tanninsLight


intense alcohol, acidity and aromasFull

dominated by acid, which gives the wine a fresh appearanceCrisp


without acidity, round, smoothSoft

no residual sugarDry


mellow wine, fairly supple, fleshyRich

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